Determining if your heart and blood vessels function effectively is vital before undergoing surgery. At Cardiovascular Wellness Center in Homestead, Florida, the highly trained cardiology team provides pre-op clearance to ensure you’re healthy enough to safely complete a scheduled surgery. Book a pre-op clearance appointment at Cardiovascular Wellness Center by phone or request one online today.
Pre-op clearance involves a thorough medical examination in which the Cardiovascular Wellness Center experts evaluate your overall health. They also complete a series of diagnostic tests that determine if it’s safe for you to undergo a surgical procedure.
The cardiology team can also detect potential problems that must be addressed prior to surgery to ensure a successful outcome.
The benefits of undergoing pre-op clearance before surgery include:
Pre-op clearance is often required by a surgeon before undergoing most medical procedures. The Cardiovascular Wellness Center team is highly skilled, with many years of experience completing these medical evaluations.
During pre-op clearance at Cardiovascular Wellness Center, your provider weighs you, checks your blood pressure and other vital signs, and discusses your medical history. They listen to your heartbeat and breathing and evaluate your neck, abdomen, limbs, and other areas.
You might need lab testing (blood or urine tests) or imaging procedures to detect or rule out potential problems with your heart or blood vessels. The team also addresses concerns or questions you might have before your scheduled procedure.
After the Cardiovascular Wellness Center team receives lab or imaging test results, they review them with you and send a copy to your surgeon. If there are any concerns, they discuss them with you and review the next best steps.
If the Cardiovascular Wellness Center experts detect a potential problem during your pre-op clearance exam, you might be able to make adjustments to your lifestyle or medications before the scheduled procedure. Sometimes, however, surgery needs to be delayed after failing to pass a pre-op exam. Your specialist works with you to ensure optimal results.
The Cardiovascular Wellness Center team cares for you before, during, and after surgery. They follow up every step of the way, keeping you as healthy as possible with a low risk of surgical complications.
Schedule a pre-op clearance exam at Cardiovascular Wellness Center by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.