
Peripheral Arterial Disease

Peripheral Arterial Disease services offered in Homestead and Key largo, FL

Peripheral Arterial Disease

Just like the arteries in your heart, your peripheral arteries are also at risk of becoming clogged with plaque. Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) affects up to 12 million adults in the United States. However, most people don’t even realize they have it. At Cardiovascular Wellness Center in Homestead, Florida, their exceptional team uses cutting-edge equipment to diagnose PAD and provides the comprehensive care you need to improve arterial health. To schedule an evaluation, call the office or request an appointment online today. 

Peripheral Arterial Disease Q & A

What is peripheral arterial disease (PAD)?

PAD is a circulatory condition that reduces the supply of oxygen-rich blood to your extremities due to a buildup of plaque that causes the blood vessels to narrow and harden. Though PAD can affect any peripheral artery in your body, it most often affects the arteries in your legs. 

You may be at risk of developing PAD if you have a history of diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure. Smoking and obesity are also PAD risk factors.  

What are PAD symptoms?

You may not experience any symptoms with PAD or your symptoms may be mild and brushed off as a normal part of the aging process.

However, if you experience leg pain when walking that disappears when you rest, referred to as claudication, you may have signs of PAD. The severity of your pain may vary, but in severe cases, the pain can be debilitating and limit your mobility.

Other PAD symptoms include:

  • Leg numbness or weakness
  • Cramping in your hips, thighs, or calves
  • Coldness in your leg or foot
  • Non-healing leg or foot sores 
  • Slowdown in toenail growth or leg hair growth

In men, erectile dysfunction may be a symptom of PAD. 

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, don’t ignore them. Contact Cardiovascular Wellness Center to schedule an evaluation.

How is PAD diagnosed?

Your Cardiovascular Wellness Center provider conducts comprehensive evaluations using cutting-edge equipment to diagnose PAD. During your exam, they ask detailed questions about your symptoms and medical and family history and then perform a physical.

To diagnose PAD, your cardiologist may perform a number of diagnostic tests, such as:

  • Blood tests
  • Ankle-brachial index
  • PET scan
  • CT scan

The cutting-edge equipment at Cardiovascular Wellness Center provides an accurate diagnosis, which is important because PAD increases your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

How is PAD treated?

Treatment for your PAD focuses on alleviating your symptoms and stopping the progression of the disease. Your cardiologist develops personalized treatment plans based on the severity of your symptoms and disease, as well as your medical history. 

Your treatment plan may include lifestyle modification, disease-specific medication, or medical procedures to improve blood flow through the blocked artery. 

PAD is common and may increase your risk of serious health complications. To learn more about PAD, contact Cardiovascular Wellness Center by phone or request an appointment online today.