
Diagnostic Testing

Diagnostic Testing services offered in Homestead and Key largo, FL

Diagnostic Testing

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, which is why routine diagnostic testing is critical. At Cardiovascular Wellness Center in Homestead, Florida, the highly trained cardiology team provides advanced diagnostic testing to detect or help you better manage a heart or blood vessel disorder. Schedule an evaluation by calling the office or requesting an appointment online today.

Diagnostic Testing Q & A

What is diagnostic testing?

Diagnostic testing at Cardiovascular Wellness Center involves vascular, cardiology, and lab testing that helps you manage heart disease, blood vessel conditions, and their risk factors. The skilled experts are highly trained, with many years of experience detecting problems before they become serious.

Which conditions can diagnostic testing detect?

Diagnostic testing at Cardiovascular Wellness Center can detect the following conditions and more:

  • Heart attack
  • Heart failure
  • Arrhythmias 
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Carotid artery disease
  • Heart valve disease
  • Pericardial disease
  • Pediatric and congenital heart conditions
  • Structural irregularities 
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • High triglycerides
  • Narrowed or clogged vessels
  • Peripheral artery disease (PAD)

Early, accurate detection of heart and blood vessel conditions is one of the best ways to avoid a heart attack, stroke, or other complications. Diagnostic imaging can also help you better manage a heart condition.

Which types of diagnostic testing are available?

Examples of diagnostic tests available at Cardiovascular Wellness Center include:

  • Lower extremities venous and arterial ultrasound
  • Evaluation of lower extremities venous reflux
  • Renal artery ultrasound to evaluate patients with hypertension
  • Lower extremities vascular studies (ABI)
  • Carotid artery ultrasound
  • Abdominal aorta ultrasound to evaluate for aneurysms (dilatation of an artery)
  • Multigated acquisition (MUGA) scan
  • Coronary angiogram
  • Cardiac CT scan
  • Cardiac MRI
  • Cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scan
  • Nuclear cardiac stress test
  • Echocardiogram
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
  • Lab testing

Depending on your symptoms, medical history, and risk factors, you may be a candidate for more than one type of diagnostic test. 

What should I expect during diagnostic testing?

What to expect during cardiac imaging depends on the type of procedure you undergo. Imaging procedures use energy waves to create images of your heart or blood vessels, allowing your cardiologist to effectively manage heart disease or its risk factors. 

During an ultrasound, your specialist may place a gel on your skin and glide a transducer over part of your body to create internal images. 

Before certain types of imaging procedures, your specialist might first intravenously administer a dye into your bloodstream to make the images stand out more. They sometimes insert a catheter into blood vessels to obtain a more detailed view.

Your provider might also take a sample of your blood or urine and send it to a lab for analysis as part of your care plan.

Afterward, your cardiologist reviews the results and makes recommendations. They might suggest watchful waiting, lifestyle changes, medications, further diagnostic testing, or a medical procedure. They follow up to ensure a successful outcome.

Schedule an evaluation at Cardiovascular Wellness Center by phone or request one online today to determine if you’re a candidate for diagnostic testing.